Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Blog About the Blog

This photo was taken outside of the Dyson building on
the Marist campus. If you're ever in Poughkeepsie,
be sure to visit!
Though I'm no stranger to blogging, I am new to the concept of a course-specific blog, so I'm looking forward to this newest IMC-endeavor!

As you may know from my iLearn forum introduction, I'm Kait Smith, a part-time IMC student in my second year of the program. I work full-time in the Division of Student Affairs at Marist as a Coordinator in the Office of First Year Programs and Leadership Development. Though my work is primarily assisting first-year students with their transition, I manage all of my office's communications, including social media sites, so I'm looking forward to applying lessons from this course to my responsibilities on the job.

I've always loved writing; I was a journalism major as an undergrad and worked at a magazine for a year before beginning my current position. My hope is to take my knowledge from this program and combine it with writing skills to begin a career that combines editorial with marketing, perhaps on the content marketing side of things? Time will tell!

As I said above, I'm no stranger to blogging. I've freelanced for several blogs, and have managed various personal blogs over the past several years. My personal favorite is my senior capstone project, Kicking the [Marist] Bucket. Keeping up with a blog has been a big challenge for me over the years; I know a successful blog requires focused content, but I find my interests are so varied that my writing focus is constantly shifting.

I'm hoping this course gets me back on blog track! Looking forward to sharing my thoughts with you all.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the invitation to contribute to your blog, Kait. Very nice design. I look forward to following you. Have fun! Mark
