Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My "Socially Kait" Social Media Journey on Storify

Below you will find a link to the very rough draft of my final Storify paper. As you can see, it is a work in progress, but I'm hoping to gain some initial insight and feedback from you over the course of the week.

You can access my Storify paper by visiting http://storify.com/KaitSmithCOM610/kait-smith-comi610-final-paper.
Can you offer insight into my analysis
of this semester's social media activities?
If so, head to my Storify then comment below!
I've made it so the Storify paper opens in a new window; this way, my blog will remain open and you can leave me comments here as you read my paper.

Here are some questions I have for you, members of #Marist610:

-Am I using too many "Storified" examples in my "Activities" section? If so, what would you suggest I cut? Or, if not, what would you suggest I add?

-What sections of the paper leave you looking for more information? What sections feel like they include too much detail?

-In comparing my "blogger" images to other classmates, mine seem off. They don't include the headline for the post. Can you offer me any insight on how to fix this? (SEE BELOW)

Of course, you can extend beyond these questions in leaving me comments and feedback. I'll be sure to update this post when I've changed and edited sections of the Storify paper.

Looking forward to working together during this "home stretch" of our course!


3/11 at 4:30 p.m.
We're in the home stretch, and my Storify paper reflects it! I've beefed up the analysis section, fine-tuned the plans and policies section, and did some minor editing in the activity section. All that's left is the conclusion, minor edits as suggested by future comments, and peppering in course readings when applicable.  Your feedback is still welcomed and appreciated!

3/9 at 8:30 p.m.
My paper has been updated to reflect some of the suggestions you've given me in the comments. More specifically, I've added Scott's Twitter reply, developed the "Plans & Policies" section more, and did some fine-tuning to the activities section. I will be working on the analysis and conclusion in the days to come, so please continue offering feedback!

3/5 at 10:20 a.m.
Classmate Adrienne offered some great insight (via a comment ) as to how to make my headings appear in my blogger. When I follow her advice, however, only some of the headings appear! The rest (the ones I need for the paper, ironically enough) appear with just the title of my blog. It seems that the ones with headers appear as RSS updates and the others appear as Blogger updates. Below is a screenshot; I'm going to do some searching for the answer, but if anyone else has figured this out please comment below!